Sunday, December 27, 2015

Shocking Asthma Facts You Can't Ignore

If you are battling with asthma then you know the best way to manage or control your asthma is by using inhalers and steroids.   But have you ever thought about the side effects of all those drugs you are putting in your body?  They do help control or manage your symptoms but what are they doing to your health?  I'm going to share some shocking facts about your conventional asthma medication that you can't and shouldn't ignore.

Conventional asthma drug treatment used for short periods of time can quickly relieve asthma symptoms and save lives in an emergency but used for long periods of time can cause irreversible damage to your health.  The longer you use these conventional drugs for asthma the greater the risk of serious side effects.

Let's look at the shocking side effects of your asthma medication.  There are two types of asthma:

Understanding Asthma

There is an epidemic of asthma in our country and around the world.  Historically, most people got asthma when they were a child and therefore knew about it as adults.  But now a lot of people are getting asthma for the first time as adults.

A good understanding of the basics will help you try to figure out what you can do to help yourself win this battle against your asthma.

Q:  What is Asthma?

A:  Let me explain what is going on in your body when you have an asthma attack.  Asthma is the number one chronic respiratory disease in North America.  It is a disease of the lungs.  People with asthma wheeze because when they are experiencing an attack, the tubes inside their lungs that deliver air, known as bronchi, become inflamed.  When this happens, the muscles of the bronchial walls tighten and extra mucus is produced, causing the airway to narrow.  The severity of the attack can vary from slight wheezing to life-threatening.  These obstructive changes leave very little room for air to get through.  Trying to breathe when this is occurring is like trying to breathe with a pillow over your face.  To make matters worse, people with asthma get an airway inflammation that produces more mucus, which can lead to even more airway obstruction—a vicious cycle that continues, usually until some medication is administered.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Top 5 Natural Asthma Remedies

Most people do not even realize that asthma can be life-threatening. Despite the fact that there are more conventional treatments available than ever before, the death rate from asthma has more than doubled since 1980. Now more than ever asthma sufferers are turning to natural asthma remedies for asthma relief.

Natural asthma remedies are a safe and effective way to get relief from your asthma symptoms such as tightness or pain in your chest, wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. Natural asthma remedies have been used for years for treating asthma.

Another reason for asthma sufferers to turn to natural asthma remedies is because asthma medications have a host of side effects. They contribute to yeast growth, osteoporosis, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, thinning of the skin and connective tissue, etc. They even seem to worsen asthmatic symptoms after a while or become less potent.

Natural asthma remedies do more than treat the asthma symptoms, they are used to aid the body by enhancing its own natural defense mechanisms to heal itself.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Natural Replacement to Synthetics

Every week we see the same headlines in the newspapers "Head Lice Shampoo Cancer Scare"..."The Age of the Superbug is Here"..."Household chemicals and Pollution
Linked to Cancer"..."Acne Treatment Damages Skin Cells"...and so on.

We are now just beginning to link synthetic chemical cocktails we encounter during the course of a lifetime such as hairsprays, cosmetics, deodorants, polishes, detergents, toothpastes, perfumes, aftershaves, first aid treatments, medicines, air fresheners, etc. are systematically weakening our bodies and making us sicker. It is undeniable that our health is beginning to suffer. Where will it all end?

Asthma Relief - 8 Quick & Easy Steps

Although Asthma is associated with airborne allergies and occasional food sensitivities, great improvement can occur by following a few simple suggestions. There is substantial evidence that environmental exposures, including viruses and allergens, play a major role in triggering asthma symptoms. Indoor airborne allergens include those from house - cleaning products, personal care products, dust mites, cockroaches, mold and animal dander.

1. Remove all asthma causing allergens or irritants
(tobacco smoke, pet dander, dust mites, pollen, perfumes, cleaning products, mold & mildew)
- The quality of air you breathe in your home may be robbing you of good health. Modern energy- efficient homes, by virtue of their airtight design, often trap chemical vapors from furniture, carpets, and building adhesives. Condensation from air ducts, houseplant soil, and sink areas can produce harmful mold, fungus, yeast and bacteria.

2. Rid your home of all toxic personal care and home care products.

- The EPA warns the nation's worst pollution is inside our homes. A number of homes tested have toxic chemical levels 70 times higher inside the home than outside.

- Since 1980, asthma has increased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and the Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers.

- The outgassing of toxic vapors from both personal care and home hygiene products significantly increases air quality challenges.

Natural Approach to Asthma

Is the dreadful coughing and wheezing of asthma taking over your life?

Are you frustrated that the simplest tasks are almost impossible because of your asthma?

Are you left wondering what it will take to finally get rid of asthma once & for all?

If so, then no doubt you're sick and tired of:

- constant wheezing and coughing
- shortness of breath
- heaviness or tightness in your chest
- lack of a good night's sleep

You probably know in severe cases, Asthma can be deadly!

Shocking Truth of Asthma

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How Common Household Chemicals May Gradually Be Making You & Your Family Sick

It’s alarming but true – scientists and doctors have discovered that there is a connection between our health and the use of common everyday household chemicals.

If yours is the typical home, you probably use dozens of cleaning and personal care products, purchased at the local grocery store, which contain chemical ingredients that could be harmful to your health and the health of your loved ones.

Since World War II, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of man-made chemicals we use in our homes. The typical home now contains over sixty-three hazardous products that together contain hundreds of different chemicals. 1 At the same time there has been an equally dramatic rise in the incidence of certain chronic health problems.

Research indicates that it is more than coincidence that the dramatic rise in these various diseases has coincided with the increased use of hazardous, man-made chemicals in the home.

Have We Always Been This Sick?